Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009

Saturday's Experience: Birthday Party Without Fashion

blazer: fleamarket and altered // dress: sisters // scarf: thrifted // leggins:h&m // up-lace booties: ebay vintage pierre cardin // bracelet: tally wejll // snake brooch: fleamarket // earrings and necklace: vintage // ring: my mum's

No, not my birthday...

Yesterday my boyfreind and I went out to celebrate the birthday of a friend. He works as artist and designer because of that I thought I would meet some fashionable and crazy dressed people there. But I got disabused....

...The people in my hometown seems to feel happy wearing sporty jeans, artless t-shirts and retro adidas' or pumas shoes. That's it. I feel bored about this so-called 'fashion-tiredness'. I can't expect that everybody around is interested in fashion... but sometimes it feels like no one is having the heart to wear extra, flashy or just different clothes than jeans and sportshoes.

Is it just my hometown?! When I go through the german streetstyle-blogs I feel quite the same... Even the people from Berlin or Hamburg don't look that particular - like the ones pictured in NY and Paris do. Why is Germany so dull?!

I know there are some real fashionably girls - don't forget the boys - in Germany. Show the world, what you like to wear. Don't care about other people staring or laughing...or blah. Just be different...

Please, don't wear a simple t-shirt and boring jeans everyday! Thanx.

Now I gonna do my taxes while wearing an old tee and jeans, hahahahaha.

10 Kommentare:

  1. i live in birmingham ENDLAND, and in my area everyone wears tracksuits and trainers all the time. Arrhhh!

  2. the femininity of the look is dual super!!! the ruffles plus the puffed sleeve jacket. aweseome

  3. Wahre Worte Fr. M! Ertappe mich auch so oft dabei, dann doch zu den bequemen, dadurch oft nicht so schönen Teilen zu greifen, weils einfach einfacher ist... Und ich auch manchmal keine Lust auf "doofe" Blicke habe. Aber beim Weggehen kanns schon mal etwas mehr Stil haben! Freu mich auf den 10.6.!

  4. What a lovely outfit! - Your dress is beautiful - I like the colour very much and the shoes are really adorable!

  5. Ich mag´das Jacket mit Puffärmeln, paßt sehr gut zu dem Kleid mit Volants. Deinem Text kann ich nur zustimmen!

  6. i love this ruffled dress here your wearing.
    i love how you paired a blazer with these dress, loving your shoes!

  7. you better be walking around that hometown in your 80s romper! haha, i think it sounds fab. i'm sure you can find a way to play down the whole over-the-top vibe, too.

    and i LOVEEEEE your lace-up boots. i scour ebay every day for some like those, or pixie boots, and i always lose the item. you should find some for me? size 8.5 haha ;]

  8. Oh this color is brilliant! You look absolutely gorgeous!!

  9. Super schöner Blog! Congratulations! Deinem Text stimme ich voll und ganz zu, ich habe die selben Gedanken, wenn ich durch Mainz oder Frankfurt gehe. Die Leute haben einfach keine Lust sich bem Anziehen die Mühe zu machen. Langsam fange ich an die Jeans zu hassen, weil sie zu Uniform geworden sind! Mir ist schon mal passiert, dass ein Mädel zu meiner Party nicht gekommen ist, weil ich ausdrücklich um Abendgarderobe gebeten habe! Einfach schade!
