Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

Best Dress-ed: The Dark Side Of Fashion

Black Luna Vintage is one of the top of modepass-girls. Her blog belongs to my fave fashion reads.
The style of Black Luna Vintage is very different to other fashionblogs ... It's kind of black ... and that's why I love it. Hehehe...
Her mostly darkish looks doesn't seem to base on some ordenary gothic style, it seems to be an self-contained creation of dark style. She's wearing mainly unique vintage pieces fitted up with delicate details and eye-catching cuts made of velvet , silky chiffon or leather. Those thriftshop-treasures get combined with bold platfom wedges by Stella Mc Cartney or Givenchy. And - if her outfit isn't only black, the beautiful gloomy fotos will darken it.
She's using her fine sense of fashion not only for herself, because she's having a shop on ebay filled with amazing pieces from the late 70s to the early 90s. Sometimes you find one of you favourite Black Luna Vintage outfit-pieces in the shop....
I'm still waiting to get my hands on the studded denim dress you can see in the picture above...

4 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you so much! This is such a well written feature. Your blog is so wonderful, I love all your outfits!

  2. Yes, I follow her blog (featured her style once too) she is so fab!

  3. i really like all these photos! the giant puffy sleeves in the 1st pic got my attention, and the styling just got better and better! ~joelle

  4. I love the first dress!

    I tagged you on my blog!
