Samstag, 20. Februar 2010

More Flowers...

tiny floral print .... blazer: zara // dress: blue velvet // belt: thrifted // tights: h&m ?! // boots: fleamarket // bag: fleamarket
big colourful flowers ... 70s dress: vintage ebay // belt: h&m // knit tights: gifted // booties: xx by mexx // ring: primark

Some days ago this 70s vintage dress from ebay arrived... Yesterday I was trying around with it and ended up pairing it with my lovely studded h&m belt. I think I have to shorten it.
The tailor next to my home will be very happy to see me again. I'm his largest costumer, I suppose.
aaahhhhh... february's issue of US Glamour reached the German shops... not MARCH! I'm going insane! Do I live on the moon?! .... Sometimes I can't believe Germans don't live in caves anymore...

12 Kommentare:

  1. Oh das ist hübsch! Ich finds auch in der Länge voll ok, wobei es kürzer bestimmt etwas frecher ist.
    Gehts gut? Hoffe auf baldiges Wiedersehen!

  2. Oh my! I really love both these dresses. I'm going a little bit green with envy actually. And you've styled them perfectly.

  3. I love that first shirt. So great!

  4. stunning floral dresses. both outfits are outstanding.

  5. Amazing floral patterns! I love how you styled them :)

  6. LOVING that second floral dress
    thanks for sharing as always
    and thanks for the sweet comments, love it!


  7. LOve the first floral dress..especially with the blazer!

  8. i love both outfits! the 2nd flowy dress is just so pretty. and i like the blazer paired with the first floral look. ~joelle

  9. Oh I love the flower prints, especially the second dress, it looks fabulous on you!

  10. I have done a little feature on blogs to check out. Hope you like it. Love all your different outfits


  11. Your first dress is amazing.
    I like ♥

    Ich merke gerade ich glaub ich kann auch deutsch schreiben :)

    Mir gefällt das erste kleid total gut.
    Die länge perfekt.
    Und am besten kombiniert mit dem Blazer.
