Samstag, 20. Juli 2013

Living In A Colourful Box

... just 10 days left ... then i have to find a new place to take outfit pictures ... blouse: primark // shorts: thrifted // vintage belt: flea market // vintage sandals: thrifted // bag: flea market / bangles: flea market ... surprise, wear shorts! when you do all the packing, taking apart my closet and crawling on the floor for collecting screws, it's better to wear pants/shorts than a skirt. most of my dresses are already packed anyhow...

my dresses and skirts i take with me to berlin sit already in a clothes-box. those dresses that won't come with me till we have found our own place, are sitting in the other box. ... all the other clothes (that aren't dresses) sit in normal boxes ... boxes, boxes. boxes ... boxes.

11 Kommentare:

  1. You look so cute! Good luck with the move as it can be stressful, annoying, and a lot of work!!!

    Life of Mabel

  2. Wardrobe boxes with hangers like that are so handy! I usually like to tuck a few extra things (that won't be damaged or wrinkled easily) into the bottom of the box to maximize storage potential (scarves, gloves, small coats, shawls, socks, and the like are good to put into the bottom of the box).

    Very cute, super summery outfit! You look wonderful - and like you could just as easily be headed to a picnic or bike ride down a charming country road, too.

    ♥ Jessica

  3. Hey, du hast eine Hose an! Steht dir gut und geknotete Blusen mag ich auch total gern!
    Für den Umzug wünsche ich dir ganz viel Kraft und gute Nerven! (Wobei ich Landei mir ein bißchen Neid angesichts von Berlin kaum verkneifen kann ;) )

    Liebe Grüße :)

  4. Looking as fabulous as ever.
    I thought you were still in America.
    I would love to meet you so very much.
    We are off to Scottland for four weeks now.

  5. Looking fabulous as always........good luck with the big move sweet.
    Love v

  6. oh ich kann ja nie genug von Vichy bekommen;) tolle bluse! und in der Kombination mit den Shorts einfach nur klasse! wünsch dir das der Umzug glatt über die Bühne geht und viel Glück im neuen heim!!!

  7. Love that gingham top and the espadrilles are so pretty! best of luck with your move to Berlin.

  8. Umzüge sind immer so anstregend, aber wenn man dann in der neuen Wohnung ist, hat sich der Stress meist gelohnt.
    Die Kleider in dem Karton sehen so süss aus. Unglaublich praktisch. Ich wusste garnicht, dass es sowas gibt.

  9. Loving those shorts and would die for a rummage in your wardrobe!
    Hope you've sorted a new home! xxx
