Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014

Getrödelt, Gefunden, Gefreut ... Petticoat Slip

welcome to getrödelt, gefunden, gefreut in july ... just last week i got my hands on my favourite find of june ... actually i spotted this pretty 50s petticoat slip already some months ago at my favourite vintage shop - but it wasn't for sale then, just for rent ... so i was totally excited when the lovely ladies from veist vintage told me, that the owner of the slip finally was ready to say goodbye to this little rosé treasure. luckily i was able to pay it from the money i made with my successful sales i did to the shop ...

i was looking for a pettislip (slippicoat ...?) since i found this picture in 2008. isn't it fun that in the end i found excactly the same slip just in another colour?! 
probably you will never see this slip worn, because i will wear it under a dress ...

let's check out, what all the other vintage lovers have found over at beswingtes allerlei at this months 

14 Kommentare:

  1. Hat was von Carrie aus Sex and the City ... ich finds klasse!

  2. That is so very pretty - I'd wear that as a dress rather than underwear though, it would be a crime to cover it up! xxx

  3. Das ist wirklich ein toller Zufall, dass du jetzt im Besitz des Unterkleid-Zwillings bist :-)

  4. Ein toller Fund. Hab einen Petticoat noch nie als Unterkleid gesehen, dachte immer, man hätte noch ein normales Unterkleid darunter getragen.
    Schön, dass du ihn endlich kaufen konntest, wobei mir das obendrüber tragen auch etwas zu speziell wäre.
    lg ette

  5. Such a gorgeous slip ~ I didn't even know you could find a slip with a built in petticoat, but it sure makes sense! It's such a stunning colour as well. ♡

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

  6. Such a gorgeous slip ~ I didn't even know you could find a slip with a built in petticoat, but it sure makes sense! It's such a stunning colour as well. ♡

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

  7. Wunderschön und total edel, gefällt mir sehr gut!
    LG Carolin

  8. So etwas habe ich wohl noch nie zuvor gesehen, sie ganz toll aus :)

    Liebe Grüße und noch einen tollen Tag
    Björn :)

  9. Sooooooooooooooooo beautiful, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I want it
    I hope you are getting ready to join Share-in-Style: Denim next Monday the 7th?

  10. My word, that is stunningly pretty!!! So sweet, girly and gorgeous. What a special treasure - congrats on your patience paying off.

    ♥ Jessica

  11. What a beautiful slip! I love vintage underthings. They are so much more beautiful than modern ones.
