Dienstag, 26. August 2014

Fight The Cold With Some Yellow

my first weapon to fight the chilly weather, the beloved yellow super summer skirt ... vintage blouse: flea market // 50s skirt: veist kleidergeschichten // 80s belt: thrifted // swedish hasbeens: flea market // bag: flea market ...

more yellow against the august cold ... cardi: h&m // early 60s dress: ebay // vintage belt: flea market // wedges: c&a // bag: flea market // 60s guitar souvenir brooch: ebay

looks like summer is already over in august ... i'm freezing a lot lately ... and i had to wear tights the past days ... and coats ...and scarfs ... this are actually all the things you don't want to wear in august. so leave you today with two yellow outfits from a couple of weeks ago, when it was still a little warmer ... wearing a lot of happy yellow didn't make the weather change ...

8 Kommentare:

  1. Habe es dir gerade gleichgetan und auch etwas sommerliches von vor ein paar Wochen gepostet ;) das wetter ist echt deprimierend kalt und nass. tolles gelb!!°

  2. You look lovely!
    Yes, the same here... Fall already here 8° to 13°, but where is summer????? I'm hoping for a nice indian summer!

  3. Ha! That's my strategy, too. Wear colour to chase the grey skies away! Love the yellow accents. x

  4. I'm having the opposite problem - I can't wait to wear my tights and sweaters again, but the weather is staying too hot! Want to trade? I'll move to Germany, you can come to Chicago. ;) But I do like your sunny weather outfits, yellow always looks so cheerful.

  5. Definitely! Yellow or orange, for sure - anything that calls to mind sunshine and vitamin C. :)

    I'm sorry that you've been battling a cold lately. I got hit with a stomach bug two weeks ago that put me out of commission for several days, so I can certainly relate. Hopefully this means we'll both be spared from colds/flues come fall and winter (fingers crossed!).

    ♥ Jessica

  6. Wearing lovely colours does indeed brighten up the greys! Love that second frock. Yellow is a favourite of mine. XXX

  7. Sehr schön, so sommerlich! Heute geht es von den Temperaturen hier auch wieder, aber die letzten Tage waren wirklich ekelig *zitter*

  8. Also das gelbe Kleid sieht fantastisch aus - da kommt der Sommer vielleicht noch ein wenig zurück ;)

    Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Abend
    Björn :)
