Samstag, 1. November 2014

Getrödelt, Gefunden, Gefreut ... The Hat

this months getrödelt, gefunden, gefreut i like to shoe you my favourite flea market from last month. in early october my man and i went home to the middle of germany for a wedding of dear friends. around the wedding and meeting friends and family we planned to go to three flea markets in this area.
on fridays we went to a flea market in wiesbaden, which turned out as pricey as i expected, because this is a quite whealthy town and vendors were selling mostly antiques. ... but i snapped up some 50s fashion magazines (not cheap), a vintage wedding card (!) and .... drum roll ... this wonderful vintage hat for 10€!!!! the lady sold it as a 40s piece but i suppose, it is more early to mid 50s. dating this hat is pretty confusing to me ... the decoration on top, let's call them wings, i have seen on several 40s hats, but the actual hat looked different and the way it wants to sit on your hat reminds me more on the early 50s. (it even looks a little 30s on the pictures because the mannequin's head is super tiny).
any ideas from which era it might be exactly?!
anyhow ... this fabulous hat is in a unbelievably great condition. no moths bites, no dens and the feather is still there!
the sad thing about it is ... it seems to be a wee bit too small for my big head and i have the feeling it's not my kind of style. i don't feel as beautiful as i should when i put it on ... but one day, with a special hairdo i will take it out for a walk. for sure!

let's check out what all the others have found on  .... getrödelt, gefunden, gefreut

... für die unter euch, die schon mal für das nächste mal getrödelt, gefunden, gefreut was suchen möchten, gibt es morgen die beste gelegenheit ein vintage schnäppchen zu machen! kommt uns morgen beim fashion flohmarkt hier in berlin besuchen ... click picture for further infromations!

this post is also linked to
hat attack!

11 Kommentare:

  1. Ein toller Hut. Auch der Kopf, auf dem Du es präsentierst, ist einfach einmalig :-).
    Lieben Gruß

  2. Der Hut ist wirklich toll und ein absolutes Schnäppchen.



  3. That spectacular hat may be1940s, but it's very much New Look so 1947 and I would put it in the early 50s. I can see it with a longer skirt and suit jacket of the era.

  4. A truly awesome hat !
    Beautiful find !

  5. I would have guessed 40s, but it isn't a shape I have really seen before that I can think of. It is incredibly beautiful though!

  6. Your hat is gorgeous. I love the lines, details and structure. A great find. Thank you so much for sharing with Hat Attack!

  7. What a hat!! Really beautiful, I would have snapped that up myself. It is quite unusual, but I would have guessed late '40s through to mid '50s. I suppose there's no label?

    Let's see a pic of you modelling it soon! P x

  8. What a stylish hat! I'd put it at 1950s, too. What a shame its a bit too small, I'm sure my head shrinks when I'm vintage hunting as hats that fit when I'm out are usually too small when I get home! xxx

  9. This is a stunning hat, no wonder it came home with you.

  10. Was ein Hut, und das auch noch zu dem Preis und in meinem Revier ;)! Da hätte ich auch sofort zugeschlagen, eine echte Perle. Ich würde den Hut auf späte 40er schätzen, vom Stil her noch sehr 40, aber von der Massivität des Materials schon auf dem Weg ins Wirtschaftswunder. Aber wie auch immer, richtig kombiniert wird er sowohl fürs eine als auch fürs andere Jahrzehnt gehen.
