Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015

What Was Left At The End Of The Day ...

This is what I wore to work some day last week ... vintage cropped knit jacket (70s does 40s): thrifted in the USA // top: Primark // 50s cotton skirt: Made In Berlin Store // vitnage patent leather belt: trhifted in the USA // booties: Clarks // 50s hat: ebay // 40s-50s purse: ebay // bamboo brooch: thrifted ...

The past couple of weeks I played around with different kinds of curlers to find an easy way to curl my hair during the work week. I'm a bad sleeper anyhow, so I really don't need to be uncomfortable in the night. At this point I'm still in the process of playing and trying around, getting upset with my hair and moist weather once in a while ... Soon you will find a little post about here on the blog.
In the pictures above you see the result of what was left  fo the curls after work.

On Instagram you can see the curls in a earlier and better state ...
this post is linked to Hat Attack

10 Kommentare:

  1. Ah your outfit looks pretty, and your hair was super cute! Did you use hot-sticks for the curls?

    Carla, TinyAngryCrafts

  2. Sieht wirklich schön aus, passt alles gut zusammen, wie ich finde :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Björn :)

  3. That skirt is gorgeous and love your curls! x

  4. You look lovely! I really dig that skirt, the colors are gorgeous. Another killer outfit.

  5. Your hair is perfect, dear friend. It's as perfect as your nice outfit !!

  6. Lovely outfit - the ruched detailing on the shoulders of your cardigan is such a great touch. I love it when a seemingly simple piece has a great stand out feature like that, don't you?

    Have a marvelous weekend!
    ♥ Jessica

  7. Ich kenn das Problem! Während der Woche trag ich meist nur einen Dutt oder Pferdeschwanz. Ich steh eh schon so irre früh auf, da hab ich keine Lust noch ne Stunde eher aus dem Bett zu müssen, damit meine Haare nachher ordentlich liegen. Wenn ich abends noch zeit hab, mach ich hin und wieder ein paar Pin-Curls, sonst liegt die Kunst eher im weglassen ;)

  8. Love the little blue cardi/bolero. I hate it when hair doesn't behave!

  9. Your hair is a piece of art and I adore a cropped jacket. This outfit is inspiring and your headwear is always unique! Thank you for sharing with Hat Attack!

  10. This is such a lovely combination,great colours.
    Your hair always looks so very lovely to me.
