Samstag, 18. April 2015

The Perfect Match

What I wore last sunday ... 40s dress: Mankii Vintage Berlin // belt: from Istanbul // clarks shoes: Ebay // early 40s hat: thrifted // vintage wicker purse: Mauerpark Flohmarkt Berlin // gloves: flea market ...

I bought this beautiful 40s dress almost a month ago for bit more money as I normally would spend ... After the purchase I hung it up on the bedroom wall and I started starring at it every single day for weeks ... trying to find the perfect outfit for her first day out with me. Everything came together when I suddenly remembered this green hat, which I had actually left behind in a store quite a time ago, because of it's not so great condition ... The lucky dirt digger I am - the hat was still waiting there, hidden under a bunch of crappy hats in a bin ... The green gloves I had in my drawer for a while - in real life they math the green of the hat much better ...

Today I'm just wearing a t-shirt and pants ... We are emptying out our storage unite today and getting set to sell on the flea market tomorrow at Wowsville Flea Market in Kreuzberg Berlin. 13-19h!!!

Have a nice weekend!

10 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous dress and I love the shape of the front of the hat. So beautiful!

  2. Love your dress!

    Have a good weekend,

  3. I wish I lived closer and could visit you at the flea market!!

    Super outfit as always, so poised and put-together. x

  4. Yay! Love this outfit! Glad the hat was still waiting for you, I love it when that happens :)

  5. I've said it once on Instagram, I'll say it again over here (for the record):
    You look amazing and that HAT is a true little gem!


  6. can`t believe this hat could be hidden in a bin of crappy hats! amazing thing!

  7. What a fantastic print! I love it! As well as your hat! What a find!


  8. Your are a true artist, evidence by the ensemble in your photos. So happy that you found this hat and shared it and your beautiful self on Hat Attack.
